PEMEL is an industrial group specialized in steel construction, with extensive participation in major worldwide projects for the Oil, Chemical, Cement, Naval and Pulp Industries.
We are a Metalomechanics company with proven experience in Manufacturing, Assemblies and Industrial Maintenance. We intervene in several projects of welded construction at national and international level.
Formerly known as Promael – Projectos e Manutenção Electromecânicos, Lda, established in 1993, it gave rise to the current PEMEL Instalações Eléctricas®. It is the oldest company of the group in operation, employing about 30 employees, responsible for the excellent quality recognized and good technical execution of the work performed.
Contact us. Our team will be happy to receive you and make sure that your project is not just on paper!
The environment is a continuous and transversal concern of all the companies that make up the Group.
From waste management, to the origin and choice of materials, to the simple energy control of the Group and the use and recycling of waste resulting from normal day-to-day operations.
All our employees are sensitive to the issue of sustainability. PEMEL, as a national reference company, has the duty to contribute to the preservation of our planet, such as: the separation of waste is done every day; recycling is very present in the normal functioning of the Group; the treatment and transport of waste is done by specialized companies, the use of materials is judicious; PEMEL uses photovoltaic energy as an alternative; among others.
The Planet belongs to all of US and PEMEL respects it!
PEMEL considers the Quality System as a primordial factor for the strategic development of the company and follows it rigorously for several years. The conformity of our products and services, the satisfaction of our customers, the continuous improvement, the training actions of our employees, the operational and functional procedures, the numerous tests performed on materials and equipment, the performance of internal and external audits, give PEMEL Metalomecânica® the status of Certified Company, according to NP EN ISO 9001:2015.
The Quality Management System in this organization corresponds to the vision and positioning of the companies that make up the Group.